Countdon to Stem Cell Transplant

Have been in for almost a week now and the chemo has been quite gentle. I am managing to work on my book every morning, Nick and I go for a walk in Regent’s Park or out to lunch at midday and then the chemo starts at 2.00 and lasts about six hours. Apart from a nasty rash, I am feeling well. All change tomorrow, though, when the much stronger stuff is delivered to prepare for the transplant on Thursday. The bad news is that I am told that one of the side effects will be nasty mouth ulcers and a painful throat. The good news is that the hospital freezer is filled with ice lollies which I am obliged to suck. Sounds good!

Have a new view. A shame it is so cloudy today and not a good day for photo taking but, if you look hard, you can see The London Eye on the right and the Shard on the left.

view july

The staff here have been so wonderful – welcoming me back like an old friend. All my favourites are here – Juan from Spain, Antonia from Portugal, Lito from the Philippines, Maria from Ireland and Emily from Essex. My sister is filling my walls with pictures – I have the Dalai Lama, Breughel and  Velazquez prints and a picture of Diogenes in his barrel with an invitation to enter a caption competition. Mount Everest and Leonardo de Capri to come. A cousin in France has sent me crystals – a white one that allegedly cures cancer and a pink one that takes away fear. (So, I guess, I could just grab them and go home!) And my daughter has brought me a teddy bear to cuddle.

So the stage is set for Day Zero, as they call it, stem cell transplant day. Wish me luck!

15 thoughts on “Countdon to Stem Cell Transplant

  1. Good luck Sue ,thinking of you often. Glad to hear you’ve been able to get out, and work too. That amazing strength of yours will carry you through this….many hugs from afar. Much love


  2. Hi Sue
    Wishing you all the best for the transplant and a speedy recovery. Fornalutx is thinking of you!
    Love Neil and Julie


  3. Good luck Sue ! I hope Nick will bring you some binoculars as you have hours of fun looking at buildings from your window

    I hope the lollies do the trick apart from the chemo. Lots of love lu. Xx


  4. All the best, lots of prayers going up. If you are allowed visitors (or not) I would like to drop the picture of Toni in to you so you can think of Ca’n Reus. Love Celia (and Mike)


  5. Hello Sue you don’t know me but my wife and myself have been reading your blogs with interest. I am now 74 days post transplant and know exactly how you are feeling right now, the big day cannot come quick enough. The good news is it’s all painless and over and done with in approximately one hour, as for the bad news I can’t think of any.
    Like you I struggled for a donor having lost mine twice I was beginning to think it would never happen only for the first donor to re-emerge and on the 15/5/2015 I started my new life. Thankfully I never suffered from any mouth sores, in fact I was only kept in for a further two weeks after which they allowed me to go home and continue my recovery.
    I go back to Christies for weekly checks and was recently given the news we long to hear, my stem cell count is 100% donor.
    I wish you all luck for Thursday have a very happy birthday and look forward to reading your future blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Have been in a place with no internet connection (a park in the Limpopo from where i returned today) and wondering about you Sue, so am happy to get this post. Will continue to think of you and wish you strength. jane


  7. Dear Sue,
    Ran into Ian O’R and Ed M at the BBC yesterday. We talked of you and the big event. It did feel as though the whole building was behind you and willing you to get well soon. We have a part two to make after all and you need to monitor my diet. Belgium was bad what with chocolate and tarte au riz. Au secours ma belle….. let me know when I can start lending you the boxed sets. Big hug Hxxx


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